メモ茶 ~ m e m o c h a ~



Hi hi i've just arrived home XD and i'm tired ("_ _)

I went fishing with all my classmates, we did it for assignment. Well, sure it's annoying having an assignment like that (-_-)



just took a photo of myself (^u^)



that's the fish!!

well, for the truth we're not do the 'real' fishing, we were just 'act' fishing LOL =)



the water color is green like the previous photo. It's look brighter just because of sunshine (^w^) looks nice



today's so bright! (>w<) 


my group will create the report of the activity to submit it to the teacher
we're still planning what we're going to do with the fishes. I assume to make Fish and Chips, but i think the fishes are too small :'3