メモ茶 ~ m e m o c h a ~


Shocking Moment Came Again....

So..okay. The shocking moment that happened yesterday is: there's an account following me on instagram. I thought it was a normal ghost/fake account so I didn't took it seriously about it. But...actually, it gives strange feeling to me, like, it's really unusual for a japanese following my account. The account doesn't have any profile pic either. 


I knew that I got a friend request notification on facebook last morning, but facebook on my mobile browser is shit, so I decided to check it later and yeah I checked it and the account who added me have the same name as the account who followed me on IG. I don't know this person. I checked my messages and there's 1 message request. It was japanese and he wrote pixiv and skype. I was quite shock like---


oh my god...don't tell me....


...yes, I remember this person.


On 2014, I got a friend. He came from my NSFW Pixiv account. He added my skype and we had a little chat there. He was begging me to let him give his dingding picture to me and he want me to his dingding to be a model for my next drawing........ 


Well, i accepted and he gave his dingding photo. it was...umm, should I explain it in here....well his was............l-long....???? Actually, I didn't know what to reply when he asked "what do you think?"


well..I did an appreciation, so I told him that his dingding have a nice good shape. Well I don't know why I said that, but I just want to praise him. I think he was very happy that I praise him. (I don't even know how to praise someone's dingding?????????)


and afterwards, he often chat お久しぶり(I miss you) for a few months before I completely left skype. I did replied his chat too.


I don't have any idea...is this person really a good person or bad? But I do keep my guard up. I don't know his real name, even his display name on both media social. His name is Haruka Tsukiyama. Ah yes, I think he just known that I have a main pixiv account, he added me there too. I put my instagram too there, so maybe he knows my instagram from my main pixiv account.


I don't know, but for a fake account and a dangerous person, his motives are just too- well how to put it into word?


for what he come back to me?

Does he have been searching for me in this 5 years?